Softwares I use
Softwares I Use Table of Contents 1. INTRO 2. Operating System 3. Window Manager 3.1. Why Awesome ? 4. Terminal Emulator 5. Browser 5.1. Qutebrowser 5.2. Chromium 6. GUI File Manager 7. Text Editor 7.1. NEOVIM 7.2. Emacs 8. Run Launcher 8.1. ROFI 9. Office Suite 9.1. LibreOffice 9.2. SC-IM 10. Image Viewer 11. Music Player 1 INTRO I admit that I own a crappy laptop (Dell with a crappy pentium processor), but it's not the case with the softwares I use. I'm going to list out the softwares based on ther category and the reason for using them. This list is going to change, and I'll keep updating this list. 2 Operating System I've been using Arch Linux for 2 years now. I have used Manjaro, Ubuntu (and all of it's flavours), FreeBSD etc. The real reason for using Arch Linux is that you look cool. I'm kidding. I use it is because of the availability of the softwares, be it in it's official reposi...